Saturday 11 June 2016

5-College Essay Writing Mistakes to Avoid

Writing the perfect college application essay requires not just skills but a clear-cut understanding of the dos and don’ts of essay writing. What needs to be understood out here is that the focus should not lie upon writing only great essays but also knowing what a college admissions officer wants to see in the essay. Here are 5 essay writing mistakes to completely avoid:
  •    Writing It All At Once- Refrain from writing all your personal statements and supplementary essays in one day. You need to understand that it takes ample amount of time to draft the perfect college application essay that optimizes your chance of getting admission into a ivy league college. Under no circumstance should you rush with the process of writing your essay. Give yourself a few days if required to write your essay and then read it out to your family members and friends and seek criticism. Rewrite the essay multiple times until it conveys exactly what you want it to convey.
  •      Switch off All Distractions- It is very crucial to know that essay writing requires tremendous focus and you cannot get into that zone where your creative juices begin to flow effortlessly until you switch off your T.V., laptop or cell phone. Even lock yourself p in a room if need be.
  •     Integrity Speaks Volumes- Students need to know that their imperfections are what make them perfect and make them who they truly are. They need to embrace their each and every unique quality. These are the traits that the college admissions officer wants to see. They want to know if a student is confident and comfortable in their own skin. Writing about yourself and describing yourself as your ideal version is not going to cut it. It will just give them a shallow impression of you. Be bold and be honest. Tell them who you truly are and that you are worthy and unique.
  •   You’re Not a Writer- Since you are not a writer, why on earth should you act like one. You are just a usual college student with unique qualities who wants to succeed in life. Stop acting like a Shakespeare or Wordsworth wannabe. Using big words and at most times in a completely incoherent manner puts college admissions officers off.
  •     Focus on Quality Not Quantity- Rather than saturating your essay with ideas, Stick to a single perspective and write in a way that describes you in the best manner.
Follow these tips to write a truly amazing and self-reflecting college essay.